On 3/4/24 11:13, jerry wrote:
This "one terse email then delete your data a week later" thing just didn't work this time.

My mail server is failing to connect to your mail server, but just in case
you can read this via the mailing list archives: You should have received
emails on 2023-10-19 ("balance < 7 days of storage"), 2023-10-26 ("balance
is negative"), 2023-11-15 ("account will be deleted soon") and 2023-11-22
(a personal email because I was concerned that I hadn't heard back from you).

The account was deleted on 2024-01-09.

Colin Percival
FreeBSD Release Engineering Lead & EC2 platform maintainer
Founder, Tarsnap | www.tarsnap.com | Online backups for the truly paranoid

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