Awesome job, man. Great picking all the way around.

From: Dasspunk <>
To: Taterbugmando <>
Sent: Mon, November 9, 2009 5:29:58 PM
Subject: Re: Kenny Baker Tribute Shows

Thanks all for the kind words. I am lucky to have such players that
are willing to put up with me. All the boys had such a great time
doing these shows, we're thinking of doing more of 'em. We'll see.

Thanks again everyone,

On Nov 9, 10:13 am, Joseph <> wrote:
> I accidentally hit 'reply to author' here's my question and Brian's
> response...
> Hey Brian,
> You mentioned that all you played for the last few weeks was stuff off
> the album.  What do you think that has done for your playing?  I'm
> guessing that it has made you more of a disciplined player and
> learner.
> Great playing by the way, I especially liked your solo on Monroe's
> Hornpipe.  Very sweet!
> Peace,
> Joe
> Joe,
> Thanks for the kind words. I definitely did notice an improvement in
> my playing from having to focus in on the record. I also had to
> prepare physically for it, as two sets of Monroe is challenging for
> someone who doesn't play professionally. I played the album straight
> through twice a day for most of the past week.
> It really was a full ton of fun.
> B

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