Pier Angelo Vendrame pushed to branch main at The Tor Project / Applications / 

61b37707 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-12-03T13:51:42+00:00
Bug 43336: Update handling of translation files.

We make the handling of translation files more consistent between

For `base-browser` files:
+ We no longer copy to `browser/chrome/browser/` because we no longer
  have .properties files in this branch.

For `tor-browser` files:
+ We use a symbolic link to translate from ja to ja-JP-mac.
+ We use pushd and popd.
+ We only copy the .properties files to torbutton since these are the
  only files left in this directory.

- - - - -
6cf8f931 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-12-04T15:49:59+00:00
Bug 43336: Move tor-browser branding files to branding directory.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- projects/firefox/build


@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ export MACH_BUILD_PYTHON_NATIVE_PACKAGE_SOURCE=system
 # Create .mozbuild to avoid interactive prompt in configure
 mkdir "$HOME/.mozbuild"
+branding_dir=browser/branding/[% c("var/branding_directory_prefix") %]-[% 
c("var/channel") %]
 [% IF c("var/has_l10n") -%]
   supported_locales="[% tmpl(c('var/locales').join(' ')) %]"
@@ -129,28 +131,30 @@ mkdir "$HOME/.mozbuild"
   for lang in $supported_locales; do
     # Fluent
     mv $lang/base-browser.ftl "$l10ncentral/$lang/toolkit/toolkit/global/"
-    # Properties (they use a different directory)
-    mv $lang/* "$l10ncentral/$lang/browser/chrome/browser/"
   [% IF c("var/tor-browser") -%]
-    # We will have to keep the torbutton.jar until we stop using dtds, because
-    # if we move them to the browser locale directory, browser.xhtml is not
-    # loaded.
     tar -C "$rootdir" -xf "$rootdir/[% 
c('input_files_by_name/translation-tor-browser') %]"
-    transl_tor_browser="$rootdir/translation-tor-browser"
+    pushd "$rootdir/translation-tor-browser"
+    ln -s ja ja-JP-mac
+    for lang in $supported_locales; do
+      mv $lang/tor-browser.ftl "$l10ncentral/$lang/toolkit/toolkit/global/"
+      # Branding. Currently all releases use the same branding.
+      l10n_branding_dir="$l10ncentral/$lang/$branding_dir/"
+      mkdir -p "$l10n_branding_dir"
+      mv $lang/branding/brand.ftl "$l10n_branding_dir"
+      mv $lang/brand.properties "$l10n_branding_dir"
+    done
+    popd
+    # torbutton properties files.
+    # TODO: Remove once we no longer have torbutton locale files.
     for lang in $supported_locales; do
-      source_lang=$lang
-      [% IF c("var/macos") -%]
-        if [ "$lang" == "ja-JP-mac" ]; then
-          source_lang="ja"
-        fi
-      [% END -%]
-      mv "$transl_tor_browser/$source_lang/tor-browser.ftl" 
-      mv "$transl_tor_browser/$source_lang" "$torbutton_locales/$lang"
+      mkdir -p "$torbutton_locales/$lang"
+      mv "$rootdir/translation-tor-browser/$lang"/*.properties 
       echo "% locale torbutton $lang %locale/$lang/" >> "$torbutton_jar"
       echo "    locale/$lang (chrome/locale/$lang/*)" >> "$torbutton_jar"
@@ -176,7 +180,7 @@ echo "Starting ./mach configure $(date)"
   --with-distribution-id=org.torproject \
   --with-base-browser-version=[% c("var/torbrowser_version") %] \
   [% IF c("var/updater_enabled") -%]--enable-update-channel=[% 
c("var/channel") %][% END %] \
-  [% IF !c("var/base-browser") -%]--with-branding=browser/branding/[% 
c("var/branding_directory_prefix") %]-[% c("var/channel") %][% END %] \
+  [% IF !c("var/base-browser") -%]--with-branding="$branding_dir"[% END %] \
   [% IF !c("var/rlbox") -%]--without-wasm-sandboxed-libraries[% END %]
 echo "Starting ./mach build $(date)"

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