Hello Thomas Fernandez,

Responding  to your article on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 12:01:17 GMT
+0800 (which was 12/04/2000 11:01 GMT +0700 my Local Time) :

SH>> Talking  about  HTML  message  on Mailing List, I was seeking the way to
SH>> convert  any  HTML  message  to  plain  text  (for List purpose) without
SH>> success.

SH>> Anyone can give me the clue ?

TF> If that's possible, I would like to do that for all my incoming mail
TF> (albeit  not  automatic but manually). I have HTML autview disabled,
TF> and  when  I  forward an email, I have the possibility to delete the
TF> HTML  attachment  like  any other old attachment. I would like to do
TF> that in Viewer, too.

Yes, I hope :-)
For   now   I just success for SHTML messages, i.e if in The Bat! we saw
either  plain  text  and  HTML format (as attachment). If all plain text
"blank", I can't do that (because the filter stripe out the attachment).

You can try this as follow
Condition string : if message header content (any)

on the RFC-822 header, then stripe out the attachment.

Best regards,

- Syafril -

Name    : Syafril Hermansyah     | Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama 
Mailto  : <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>| Voice   : (62) (21) 385-1600  
URL     : <www.dutaint.co.id>    | FAX     : (62) (21) 351-9241  

Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/16
under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 

Created : Wednesday, April 12, 2000, 12:26:34 GMT +0700

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