Your message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
2001-03-15 20:22:11 | on subject:
"advanced view - bug"

> Yes, but it is correct IMHO. "Sender's *name*", not "Sender's
> address". Subtle, eh? :-). Try filtering on contains "Krzysztof".

;-) Yes I agree, that "Sender's name" is not "Sender's address". I
realised that, we have to modify polish translation of TB! interface.
But in this way I want suggest RIT's modification on this point:
filtering header by "Sender's name" is less usefull for users, than
filtering on "Sender's address". Reason is very obvious: e-mail address
is unique - "name" is not. ;] And main goal of filtering is IMVHO
*narrowing* of selection - this is better achieved using "Sender's address",
than "Sender's name".

Krzysztof Kudlacik -
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