[Reply to: »Vili« · 2009-11-18 · 15:50 h (CET)]

>>> THESE ARE CUSTOMERS, not eggheads from this list!

>> Thanks for the respect for the people here on the list, who are –
>> by the way – mainly paying customers, too.

> I meant that simple users, using the computers for everyday
> communication, word processing, work, etc. Not like us, who know the
> programs in details, etc. Maybe my English, sorry for that. I
> consider everybody being an egghead on this list (including myself),
> meaning that we know hardware/software in much more details than the
> average. I did not use the words nerd, geek, etc, right?

Of course, IMHO egghead is pejorative. But this discussion will lead
to nothing.


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Volker Ahrendt | q...@ahrendt.net | /\^o^/\! [Pro] ALPHA
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