TH>>>> Could  we  have  the  results of filtering incoming mail logged into the
TH>>>> account log please? TB4.2.x does it and it's useful to see where some
TH>>>> messages got filtered to.

>>> Something like this?

>>> ,----- [  ]
>>> |  31-12-2010, 18:23:12: FETCH - 1 messages in the mailbox, 1 new
>>> |  31-12-2010, 18:23:12: FETCH - Received message from Tony Hoare
>>> <>, size: 4471 bytes, subject: "Logging of filter 
>>> results"
| >>>>31-12-2010, 18:23:12: FILTER - received message from 
(4471 bytes) (processed by "TBBeta lijst"), URL:\\Roelof\TB\TBBeta
>>> |  31-12-2010, 18:23:12: FETCH - 1 messages deleted on server
>>> `-----

>>> As produced by the latest beta, I disguised your address of course.
>>>  Account -> Properties -> Options -> disable 'verbose logging'

>> Thanks, I can now see it with verbose logging off. Funny. I would have
>> thought verbose would need to be 'on'

> I was mistaken. I do not see filtering message in the account log for
> IMAP. I do see them for v4.2.40.

Manual filtering is logged but automatic is not.

Best regards,

The Bat! BETA

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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