The Bat! (BETA) is available at

What's new in since
[-] Replying to a message that starts thread in a threaded list caused opening 
replies for all its descendants (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008621) Empty folders function was broken in v5
[-] Removed "Welcome" message from Zahid
[-] (#0008602) IMAP : Option "When inactive, disconnect after" does not work
[-] Rethreading function was working wrong when the dragged message was 
droppend onto itself causing hiding of the message from the list
[-] (#0008614) Delete button was working as "delete and follow next" when 
message list was switched off in the separate message list viewer
[-] (#0008628) message export/save as function was using non-modal file save 
dialogue causing problems on some systems
[-] (#0008583) Option "Play sound when new mail arrives" doesn't work
[+] (#0007284) Print function is now functional in the image viewer

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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