Hello all,

I have been 'playing' a little more with Tags and, aside of what I
already wrote in thread 'About Tags' starting with
<mid:1275517963.20120423111...@gmail.com>, this is what I think about 
Tags. I'll try to be brief.


- The *only* advantage of Tags over Colour Groups I see is the fact that 
*multiple tags* can be assigned to a message, while you can only assign 
*one* colour group.

Cons (at least in current implementation:

- There is no way of creating or defining Tags (i.e. a list of tags)
without assigning them to a message (the current selected message) when
first created (Added). It should be possible to create Tags similarly to
Colour Groups, View Modes, etc., without the need of using or assigning
them at 'creation time'.

- As it has been reported by others and myself, many times defined Tags 
do not appear  on the RMB or Messages/Tags menu.

- It looks like selecting the option '(none)' in above mentioned menu, 
does nothing.

- There is no way of deleting Tags from the existing list. You can remove 
them from a message (or messages) but not *delete* them from the 
existing list.

In a message of the thread mentioned above I said I had found a way of 
deleting them. It works, but it has some 'buts' and 'ifs'.

There is a file named 'TagStat.TXT' in MAIL directory that lists all
Tags that have been defined or created. Each tag shows some long numbers
that I assume somehow refer to the message(s) that have that tag

If you exit TB and open that file with a text editor, you may delete a 
Tag (line) or all of them. Or, if you want to delete all tags, you may 
just delete the file.

BUT, that deleting method only works IF:

a) The tag(s) you are deleting is(are) not currently assigned to any 

b) The tag(s) you are deleting is(are) not currently being used in the 
filter of any VF. I have not tried with filters in S.O., but I expect 
the same.

If a) or b) are not true for any tags, TB will make them appear again in
TagStat.TXT file, even re-creating it if it had been deleted.

I don't know if there are any plans for further development of this Tags
feature but, for me, and sorry to say so, the current implementation is
neither useful nor usable.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v5.1.2 on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 3
My photos at: http://www.Rancho-K.com
My photoblog: http://mau.aminus3.com

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