Hello tbbeta,

If an income message has an open parenthesis in the subject, TB! hangs
on downloading it. Outlooks downloads it correctly.

Looking at the IMAP log it would appear the the server does not
deliver the message to TB! However, as I said Outlook downloads it
correctly so I don't believe that it's the server at fault.

I now think that TB! only records logging info after the message has
been partly processed by TB! and is not the raw socket data...

This has been plaguing me for months and months and I can now recreate
it at will by sending myself a message with an open parenthesis in the 

I'll forward a copy of this message to RitLabs with an open paren.

Best regards,
 Tony                          mailto:t...@parkinch.co.uk 

The Bat! 5.3.8 with IMAP on Windows XP 5.1.Service Pack 3 Build: 2600

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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