Hello Peter,

PH> Exception ElnvalidPointer in module thebat32.exe at 009E3136.
PH> Invalid pointer Operation.

And yet another one. I pressed F11 to send and retreive mail for all; 
nothing was there to send (I use F11 for convenience even if there is 
no mail in the outbox wainting to be sent).

POP3 and IMAP-Accounts were checked, a mail from a POP3-account was 
downloaded; no unread mail was present on any of my IMAP-accounts.

Again, the log is attached here.

PS: While I wrote this mail, I got another error Invalid Pointer 
Operation. I have to go back one version to .49.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v7.4.16.49 (ALPHA) Pro on Windows 7 SP1 32Bit, without OTFE

Attachment: Invalid Pointer Operation after Mail Download.log
Description: Binary data

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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