
>> when opening a message in html mode (TB internal html mode)
>> and there is a button with a link, TB does not recognize the link,
>> which is not working. But after changing to text mode where
>> the links are written in underlined blue, the link is recognized and
>> active.

> Not easy to test without such mail at my own.
> Please export such mail to a eml file and report the bug to Ritalabs at
> https://bt.ritlabs.com/bug_report_page.php and upload the eml file
> there.

because I was not sure whether it is a bug or not, I first asked and
did not file a bug report.  Meanwhile I am not sure if it is caused by
TB, by Windows, by some software that runs at startup, or by my
computer (hardware).
It seems, the problem occurs at random and not every time. At starting
my PC the problem appears, at another start all works as it should.
And it alternates at each pc start. I did not find a reason.  But I
will keep an eye on it to find out some more. If it indeed is TB, I
will file a report.

> It is not clear what "is not working" means.
> And which version of TheBat! are you using?
> Does this apply to a message received, or one
> you are creating from scratch? Or editing an existing
> one?

Grin... not working means, that the cursor does not show its link
form and nothing happens at clicking at such a link button.
My TB version was and is shown below.
And it concerns recieved messages.
See for more my answer above to Gwen.

Kind regards

The Bat! Professional 64 bit, version 8.0.8
Windows Pro 64 bit version 10, build nr. 15063
NordVPN vs.

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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