Hello MAU,

>> The reason was that they did not know the short cut Ctrl + V to insert
>> the copied registration key from the clipboard into the registration
>> window.
>> @Ritlabs
>> Adding a button "Paste from clipboard" or something similar would
>> reduce the amount of questions to both of us a bit and make
>> registration for some users easier (especially those who prefer using
>> the mouse over the keyboard).

M> There is no need for that at all.

M> - On the message list pane, select the email received with the
M> Registration Key.

M> - Then, on top menu select 'Help/Enter Registration Code' and the
M> window will open and, automagically, the code will already show there
M> and you only have to click OK.

M> AFAIK this has always worked  that way.

you're right and wrong on that.

You're right with pointing out that there is an easy way to register
the software. You know that, I know that and probably all the people
from that list know that, too.

You're wrong, however, that there is no need for an additional way at 

As I pointed out out in my last mail, I am not asking for me or for
help here. I was communicating the fact that two people alone in the
last week (that asked on the board and also contacted Ritlabs support)
did not know about a) the automatic pasting of the code if the
registration mail was selected, or b) Ctrl + V short cut. This proves
that there is an (admittedly small) group of users who would benefit
from a paste button.

I cannot confirm right now, but I guess it is faster to add a paste 
button to the GUI once, than repeatedly answering the "How do I paste 
the registration key"-question. So it might also be a net win for 

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v8.2.8.5 (BETA) Pro on Windows 7 SP1 32Bit, without OTFE

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