Hi The

On Sunday, November 25, 2018 9:50:19 PM you wrote:

> The "password incorrect" warning is persistant, it's not possible to close the
> window and the only solution is to kill The Bat process entirely.

Never seen this message

>   Or

> The Oauth process stops after accepting the password, when asking that The Bat
> would like to read and send email, view contacts etc. These are the
> possibilities:

> I tried almost all the new versions, always with same results. After every
> attempt, I reinstall v. and everything gets back to normal. 

Well I know - there is a risk - but I am using the "insecure" IMAP
connection to Gmail. Sometimes I get the email with warning to disable
it - but I didn't do it and I don't have any problem with TheBat.

Screenshot (in German): https://i.imgur.com/fcdqC1w.png

Best regards,

TheBat! (BETA) Pro (with OTFE) on Windows 7 6.1 7601 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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