Hello everybody,

on Dienstag, 29. Januar 2019 at 10:07  Mike Lumsden 
<mike.lums...@predator-fishing.org.uk> wrote


Confirmed Templates not working in beta 13. I also reverted to 11 the last beta 
that works for me.

    What do have my and your Bat-installation have in common, and what those 
installations which do not have a problem with templates? 
    I had thoughts about the address book, but the templates used in this 
messages are configured via the folder for the messages for this mailing list, 
not as general templates per account or per address book group or individual 
    Just in case it might be of interest: there are 1395 entries in my address 
book and its size is 522 kB, both according to the information displayed in the 
dialogue "Address book properties" (retranslated to English from German). The 
main address book window says 1339 entries... 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt am Main

using: TheBat! (BETA)
OS: Windows 7    (NT 6.1 Build 7601 - Service Pack 1)
CPU: AMD  amd athlon(tm) 64 x2 dual core processor 4200+
MEM: 4097 MB
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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