On Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 09:01:24, Stefan Tanurkov wrote:

> Sorry,  the Ctrl+Enter hit too early. :-) Do you mean - you can
> scroll through any HTML message with just two presses of the space bar?

I mean I can't scroll through HTML messages with spacebar - the first
press does scroll, but the second press takes me to the next message,
even though I haven't reached the bottom of message yet. Note that I'm
using high DPI (225%), if that matters any.

> I wonder if recording a video  might help to understand what's happening...

I can do that once I get back home.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< https://eternallybored.org/ >

Pills to be taken in twos always come out of the bottle in threes.
       -- Davis's Basic Law of Medicine

TheBat! Version (BETA) (64-bit), Windows 10.0.19041 

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