On 2022-02-21 at 17:53 (UTC +0100) MAU wrote:
> Hello Stefan and fellow beta testers,
> Tomorrow will be the 20th anniversary of my joining this beta list,
> as you can see in the partial message that I quote below:
> Yes, twenty full  years of enthusiastic support of The Bat! project, 
> and devoting more or less time, depending on circumstances, to
> finding bugs and "polishing" the many beta versions that were
> released during this long period. I love TB, no doubt about that
> But I am getting old (and you all are too ;), and I am not ready nor 
> willing to commit to participating as a beta tester of a new major 
> version, V10. 
> Since I retired 15 years ago, my email traffic has been constantly 
> decreasing. And what I get now, I can very well manage with the last 
> released version, v9.5.1, and I don't want to get involved with 6
> HTTP connections, et all, either.
> It has been a pleasure sharing with you this experience of beta 
> testing The Bat! along these years. But things must come to an end, 
> and I think this is the right moment to do so.
> I will keep monitoring this list for some time, just for the heck of 
> it, but I don't intend to participate at all. So..
> Cheers,
> MAU (Aka Miguel A. Urech)

Have a nice time where ever you will bee and whatever you do!
Good luck!

I also think about to leave The Bat! behind me. In the past I tested
more or less regularly the latest version of TheBat! on wine to let a
bat fly in the land of penguins.

There is a native mail program "KMail" which got better and better and
also has a macro based language inside. It is part of KDE and well
integrated into it.

So: end of the story about TheBat!@wine.
Good luck to you all!

Bye bye!

Best regards,

Joerg Schiermeier
Bielefeld, Germany
productive: The Bat! pro v9.5.1.0 (32bit) - wine(at)Devuan
test environment (32bit + 64bit): The Bat! pro - latest beta
wine: v7.2 - Devuan (ceres): v5.16.7-2
emulated windows version (build number): v6.2 64bit (9200)

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