Вы писали 16 мая 2023 г., 16:30:05:
> Hello,
> The Bat! v10.3.3.16 is with further improvements:
> 64-bit
Did you check that there are no
- sync button for google calendar (or autosync feature after any changes that
do a customer)
- google calendar not shows fully all the events (all the calendars in one
account not shows normally, events from main calendar not shows)
- changing events of google calendar in the cloud or in TB! not always resync
between them
- autosync of google calendar works slowly! 10 and more minutes to add/change
I do fear to test again that wasn't fixed yet.
Саш, если хочешь, подсоединишься ко мне по какому-нибудь энидеску и я тебе
покажу что происходит. Извини, по понятным причинам, не могу тебе подарить
доступ к моему календарю.
Best Regards, George Salnik
RitLabs Russian Forum Moderator
'Using TBBETA' information: