Hello Marck,

Wednesday, November 28, 2001, 9:49:23 AM, you wrote:

MDP> Auto (self) correct - not Automatic correct. Not really a misnomer,
MDP> just an easily misunderstood name. The TB implementation of
MDP> AutoCorrect will cause a self correction for a marked auto-correctable
MDP> word on a double right click. This is how the function operates, how
MDP> it is designed to operate and how it always has operated. It is not a
MDP> bug. Nor is the feature bugged.

Now, I'm not a linguist, but how can we say it is auto (self) correct
when it still requires a human intervention.  Last time I checked, it
still requires my intervention to double click on mouse.

I think it's much more correct (pun?) to call it auto-checking and

As far as the functionality, it works fine on my system.  However, I
would love to find a way to customize it (i.e., add my own words, etc)
since the rate of recognition for "auto-correction" is too few.

Best regards,
 Kenneth                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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