On Tuesday, October 09, 2001, 2:32:25 PM, MaXxX wrote:

>> And it all works without typing in the macro name. Wow, TB has just
>> become a calculator. The first email-calculator in the world. ;-)

> ... which is what has me worried, too.

> I can't seem to force my ideas forward (an email-filtering scripting
> language, for starters, or a renewed %macro() syntax which would enhance
> the present %macro="%in_macro=""'s"""), and here the creators come up with
> something even I, a maniac at putting weird stuff into even weirder uses,
> can't find a logical use for. It COULD be used for counting stuff into
> variables and storing them into some file - but we don't have ANY kind of
> variables, or file access, do we...

While I don't intend to tread on your wish list in any way, I must say
that had I had it, I would have used the calculator twice yesterday
and saved quite a bit of time and hassle in the process.

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
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