@ 22:18:44 -0500 [ Wed, 5 Dec 2001], Paul A. Thiessen [PAT]
thoughtfully wrote the following:
ACM>> If you wish the incoming filter rules for account #2 to be triggered,
ACM>> you have to redirect your messages from account #1 to the *inbox* of
ACM>> account #2 and nowhere else.

PAT> But how do I redirect to a particular box? The "redirect" box in
PAT> the filter rules dialog seems to want an e-mail address rather
PAT> than a box location -

Yes, this is correct. You use the redirect option if you wish to send
a copy of an intact message you've received to someone else, with the
sender and reply headers intact. The only way to redirect a message to
another of your accounts is to redirect the message to the e-mail
address that you have associated with the target account in the target
account's properties.

PAT> ... And trying to redirect it to the address that's sent to box
PAT> #2 seems to just make it go out via the ISP again, rather than
PAT> locally, even when "allow local delivery" is checked. In other
PAT> words, I can't figure out how to get local delivery to work...

Have you enabled the option 'Allow local delivery' in Options//Network
& Administration?

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