On Wednesday, January 30, 2002 Peter Palmreuther wrote:

> Any Antivirus software running?


> Disc space exceeded?

Don't think so... I did a scandisk check... and right now
have 130MB free on drive C: - yes that's not much, but it's
not critical... or... is it? :)

 /\_/\         Old age is always 15 years older than I am.
(~o o~)  
 )'Y'(   __________________________________________________________________
(     ) / Jacek Wojaczynski         The Bat! 1.54 Beta/33 under Windows 95 \

Juz w sprzedazy: zestaw nagran do uspokajania znerwicowanych kotow.
>>> http://fakty.interia.pl/ciekawostki/news?inf=224036

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