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On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 10:59:11 -0600, Joseph N. [JN] graced us with these
>> It's very odd that none of the accounts were selected.

JN> This happens to me occasionally. I think it is due to TB! getting
JN> loaded without the account that was last selected. For example, I
JN> have two accounts in one group that is usually what I load. But,
JN> occasionally, I will just load one of those accounts. If I load one
JN> account which is not the account that was selected the last time I
JN> loaded the group, then no account will be selected. At least, I
JN> think that's how it occurs; I actually haven't tried to reproduce
JN> it. All I know is that I can try all day to retrieve mail, but
JN> nothing at all happens until I select the account.

Hmmm. I see. From your description you seem to be using TB! with
multiple users loading it as a different user with different accounts
being displayed for each user. This is very likely a bug confined to a
multiple user environment.

I don't run a multiple user environment here and this is likely why I
haven't run into the problem. I always start TB! with the same accounts
being displayed, i.e., all accounts.

- --
      |   Allie Martin - Moderator
      | TB! v1.54 Beta/49 & Windows XP 5.1.2600
      PGPKey - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)


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