Hi, Bat folks,

on  Fri, 22 Mar 2002 at 21:12:56 GMT +0100 (which was 22.03.2002,
21:12 where I live) Peter Meyns wrote the following lines regarding
"1.60 has been "silently" released":

PM> On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 20:23:23 +0100GMT (which was 22.03.02, 20:23 +0100GMT
PM> where I live), Jacek Wojaczynski wrote this about "1.60 has been "silently" 

>>> Winamp currently playing: Miles Davis - Time After Time

JW>> How did you do that? Some TB! template?

PM> Hi Jacek,

PM> sure, a quick template. There is a little plugin available on winamp's
PM> website that saves the current title to a text file. This file can be
PM> called from within TB! by using the %PUT macro (%PUT="filepath").

Can you tell me the name of the Plug-In? There seem to be lots of them
at the WinAmp site and I can't find my way through this jungle. :-(

Take care,

My ICQ #: 23060752
My homepage: www.andreas-schwartmann.de
Mailed with The Bat! 1.60c on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

"Where the road is dark and the seed is sown, where the gun is cocked and the bullet's 
 Where the miles are marked in blood and gold, I'll meet you further on up the road." 
- B. Springsteen 

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