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Chuck Smith [CS] wrote:
ACM>> Which firewall are you running? This sounds like a firewall problem.
ACM>> Typical of ZoneAlarm specifically to cause TB! problems.

CS> I am using Zonealarm.


CS> Is there a work around?
CS> I disabled Zonealarm and the problem still persist.

The real solution would be to immediately and without prejudice,
uninstall ZoneAlarm and get a new firewall solution. There are other
firewalls out there that are as effective and are less likely to
interfere. May I suggest either Kerio Personal Firewall (free for
personal use), Sygate Personal Firewall (free for personal use) or
BlackICE (if you're willing to spend some cash).

The other solution would be to add your POP and SMTP servers as
trusted machines in your ZA configuration. This only worked for a
while when I was in your exact position.

Your beginning to see the start of problems. I'll bail out now.

ZA seems to work for some but your system isn't one of them. :-/

The part that bugs me is how these personal firewalls are so commonly
to blame for connectivity problems that TB! is assumed to be the cause
of. It usually takes some time, after much user frustration for the
real culprit to be discovered.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60m | Windows XP Pro
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