Bonjour Dave,

Vendredi, le 3 janvier 2003 à 14h12 [GMT -0800] (ce qui correspond à
23h12 ici où j'habite), Dave Crocker =[DC] a écrit à [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

DC> Also, there is a very big difference between seeing an example of a format,
DC> versus having that format gain community acceptance as a standard.
DC> Certainly it is a good idea to have TB follow accepted standards.  However
DC> we cannot fault TB for failing to follow standards that are not community
DC> standards...
DC> If you mean some other format, do you have a
DC> pointer to its specification?
no, but you can search in RFC databases or google
Personnally, respect standards (in software/hardware) is important,
but if there are no good standard adapted to "the special personnal
use", do create an RFC (and/or dtd (if xml)).
But if you don't want to submit an RFC do _at least_ a plain text
format (for respect the end user). But it's my opinion ! ;0)

DC> do you mean the classic unix format, with a line beginning "From " at the
DC> beginning of the message?
 yes with some LF (/n) before

Just a list of MTA (for Ms Windows) with open conf format + mbx :
have look to
eudora, pegasus mail, pocomail, sylpheed (GNU-GPL), pine(open), becky,
mulbery etc...
Why TheBat! take example on Microsoft sofware like MsOutlook ?0)

Bien à toi,

    _ SatorArepoTenet           __                     
   //\lexis |-|aeringer        / _ . _ |    _          
                         alias \__)|| )|(\/(_)         
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Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/1 (S/N EEB8DE89) on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
/ Alexis Haeringer alias Ginkyo /

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