Hi Pit,

on Fri, 22 Aug 2003 11:37:09 +0200GMT (22.08.03, 11:37 +0200GMT here),
you wrote in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

>>> it happens more and more often here: The Bat! for no obvious reason
>>> "forgets" my German keyboard layout and assumes it to be American.
>>  The problem persists... </(

Jernej Simončič just told me on TBUDL how to toggle the layout. :-)

PP> Open your system settings and search for something like
PP> "Spracheinstellungen" or anything else that might point to a regional
PP> setting. Maybe in Win98 it's even something bound to "Tastatur"
PP> ("keyboard") settings directly. I bet somewhere in one of these settings
PP> there's an option to switch to english keyboard layout via
PP> '<Ctrl>+<Left-Shift>' or something similar you don't really notice you
PP> pressed it as nothing "visual" appears on screen.

Exactly, it's in keyboard settings, and it is set to <left alt>+<shift>.
Now I know how I triggered it, because my shortcut for sending all
queued mail is <alt>+<shift>+F2 and I recently set it to global. I'll
set it back - I think that should solve the problem. And if it should
happen again, I know now how to toggle it back. *S*

Thanks a lot for helping me understand what happened! :-)


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