Hello Stefan,

M>> I am sure we all more or less often repeat certain certain searches for
M>> messages in several (or all) folders, like find all messages in a Colour
M>> Group, From/To someone, with certain keywords in subject, etc., etc.
> Did you look at "Edit|Use previous conditions" menu of the Finder?

Errr... NO! Or at least I didn't remember. I guess I'm human, like
everybody else <g>.

> Beer? ;-)

Of course! A couple of them! :)

> It's already in works now. Sounds like you have a hidden camera in our
> office or something like that ;-)

Oh! Am I glad to hear those words! No, no camera ;-) But given present
functionality its is just a "logical next step" in the development. In
case you don't know, although I haven't written a single line of code in
10 years now, I was in software development for over 25 and have taken these
"logical steps" many times.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
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