Dear Den,

@1-Jun-2004, 09:39 +0500 (01-Jun 05:39 UK time) Den V. Yafyasov
[DVY] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to The:

DVY> i cant view messages in VF. in standard folders all OK.

It always starts with no message selected. This is because it is
often re-filtered and refilled. Each folder view recalls its own
"current" message. You aren't displaying the message list and so are
unable to /see/ that you really do have /no/ message selected.
Enable the message list, pick a message and all is well.

However, when you double click a message in a VF from the main
window, you kind-of expect to open the VF in a folder view with
*that* message selected, so I understand where you're coming from.

Cheers -- //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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