
on  Wed, 9 Jun 2004 at 22:43:09 GMT +0700 (which was Wednesday, June
9, 2004, 17:43 where I live) Thomas Fernandez wrote the following
lines regarding ""Common folders have left the building" ... :-(":

TF> Hello Andreas,

AS>> after having some trouble with my my Windows installation and file
AS>> system repairs with chkdsk, all my common folders are suddenly gone!
AS>> They are still on the disk, I can even import messages through the
AS>> import function, but they are not shown in TB.

AS>> Whenever I recreate them, the next time I restart TB they will be gone
AS>> again.

TF> I'm not using the same version as you (header says 2.11.03, sig says
TF> .02?) but I dare ask: How do you recreate the folders?
TF> Do you use crtl-shift-alt-L or something else?

What does that suppose to do? This combination does nothing here.

It's easier: Folder -> New common folder

Take care,

My homepage: www.andreas-schwartmann.de | ICQ#: 23060752
PGP 8.0 key: www.andreas-schwartmann.de/pubring.pkr

- Mailed with The Bat! 2.11.03 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2, v.2096 -

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