domingo, 27 jun 2004 at 14:24, it seems you wrote:

> Don't you just hate when you have a configured view mode, and you
> inadvertantly click on a column at the top of the message list, and it
> ruins the sorting of the message list? Especially since I sort by
> Received time, but I only display the Creation time, so I must edit
> the view mode to get back my sorting :(

I like it also.

> So I propose a setting to make the folder settings sticky - and if
> it's sticky you can only edit it explicitly, not by random clicks :)

In  the  beginnings  of the View Modes, if you assing a view mode to a
folder  you  couldn't  change nothing with the column order or widths.
Later  on  the  time  this lock was removed and if you change a folder
with  an view mode assined you also changes the view mode settings.

So I will like:
 - Sticky folder settings
 - Sticky view mode settings

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