Hello Claude Renaud,

> I would like to see implemented some command line switches in order to
> automate the backup process trhough a batch file/script.

there is command lines, introduced in v2.12 RC/1

.-----[ mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]-----
| New command lines: thebat.exe /op:<operation>:<argument> where
| <operation> = compress, purge, killdupes, clearcache, empty
| <argument> = account name (9Val)                    -or-
| full path to folder (\\9Val\Inbox, \\\Common_folder)
| Note that multiple operations on the same argument are supported
| Example:
|         thebat.exe  /op:compress:9Val  -  compresses  all  folders  in
|                                           account 9Val
|         thebat.exe  /op:killdupes:purge:compress:\\9Val\Inbox  - kills
|                     duplicates, purges and compresses in my Inbox
| Multiple arguments are not supported (hope that only yet)

best regards

BAT-MAIL.DE.VU - http://bat-mail.de.vu
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 Current beta is v2.12 RC/4 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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