On Thursday, August 05, 2004 it appears that 9Val 
wrote the following in regards to "consistent menuing - Att: Val":

9> [snip] we (only ) need to find the reason
9> why  filters  don't  work  on your side (there are two possibilities -
9> incorrect  filter  working  or incorrect filter importing
9> [/snip]

  For me, at the moment, it seems pretty clear. With debug turned
  on all filters don't work. With debug turned off, filters work
  fine. Sent one filter privately, sending original filter today
  for comparison as I wanted to spend one day with beta 2 filters
  to see if there was much difference.

JR>> As for options how to do it better, that is programmer
JR>> problem. Like I said, I'm just a poor & long time user.

9> So you don't want to participate in getting TB! closer to
9> end-user? [snip]

  I've been using this program for a long time.... too long for
  anyone to be asking me that question.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
TB! v2.13 "Lucky" Beta/2 W2K v5.0 Service Pack 4

 Current beta is 2.13 'Lucky' Beta/2 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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