Maybe I'm dumb, but could someone please explain the workings of the
subfilters to me?

Suppose I have this:

 Filter A
   Subfilter A1
   Subfilter A2
 Filter B

I presume subfilters A1 and A2 are checked when filter A fires, right?

What if A has "Continue processing" unchecked? Are the subfilters

What if A fires and moves the message? What do the subfilters operate
on, especially if they decide to move the message elsewhere?

If A has "Continue processing" checked, but A1 fires and it has
"Continue processing" unchecked, does the processing stop?

If filter A is "for manual re-filtering only", its sub-filters are
this way, too, right? Does it mean that sub-filter's "manual only"
setting is irrelevant?

Also a few notes: the buttons in the NFS window are not really well
 1. General tab: the "Block" button should read "Add block"
 2. Actions tab:
   - the Up/Down buttons should rather be on the right
     side of the chosen actions list
   - the Edit and Delete buttons should be next to the upper window,
     not the lower one. I keep thinking that I'll delete or edit one
     of the Available Actions, not the selected one
   - that leaves a lonely Add button. But seeing as drag-and-drop
     reordering is available in the upper list, why not get rid of the
     Add, Up and Down buttons, and add the action of moving an action
     from the Available ones to the chosen ones with drag-and-drop?
     Suitably explained in a one-line "Drag the actions from this
     window to that window" label...

Also, the bug "Add Block / Delete / an empty block is left" is still
 |\  /|      \~~~/     \~~~/
 | \/ |  /\   > <  \~/  > <    ICQ# 3146019
 |____| /__\ /___\ /_\ /___\    IQ# 3.14159
Random IRC quote: <Evallix> I have to stare at it to make it work

Crawling all over the floor with The Bug! v2.10 RC/1
under chairs, tables, toilets, walls and Windows 2000 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 4

 Current beta is 3.00.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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