Hello Maxim,
Monday, October 25, 2004, 8:39:12 AM, you wrote:

MM> For those, who may want to add those few missing icons, a file batskin.ini could be
MM> supplied along with a missing icons only additional file (3 files altogether)

MM> [bitmaps]
MM> Bitmap0=glyphs.bmp
MM> Bitmap1=GlyphBMP-patch.png

Do these files exist or do we have to create our own.

MM> filter-related part of glyphs should look like:

MM> ; filters in a separate file
MM> fixup=24,24,0,0
MM> bLeft=1,0,0
MM> bDown=1,1,0
MM> bUp=1,2,0
MM> bRight=1,3,0
MM> bNewFilter=1,4,0

MM>   if icons follow in the same order in the GlyphBMP-patch.png

Are all these lines just inserted anywhere in the .ini file?

 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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