Hello Marcus,

  A reminder of what Marcus Ohlström typed on:
  29 October 2004 at 12:23:06 GMT +0200

MO> I am back to the stable release and ready to report
MO> my experience.

 Me too and I think I sussed it.

 After reading Marcus's post I decided to set up a Virtual Folder, something
 I don't normally use.  I set it up to just monitor a colour group, posts
 from me to this list get assigned a colour... The Bat would NOT shut down
 and I had to use the 3 knuckle shuffle to close it. I deleted the VF and TB
 was as fast, clean and stable as ever again.

 So in order to prove or disprove this theory:

 A. Is there anyone who IS having trouble closing TB who is NOT using VF's?
 B. Anyone who is having NO trouble who IS using VF's?


Best regards,    Tony.   
 The Bat! v3.0.2.2 Rush   29/10/2004 at 11:40 UTC   2ØØ4 - AWB

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