Hello Dick H & everyone else

29-Okt-2004 19:49, you wrote:

> There are utilities available to compress executables considerably, like UPX.
> Maybe that's a way to compress the exec size and have it loaded even 
> faster..and also avoid it to be hacked!!

Everyone can download UPX and unpack the executable again, so thats no
"hacking" protection. And for the "executable protectors" there's a whole
set of programs and a scene of programmers who compete in "who's program
unpacks the most?", so the anti-hacking argument is zer0. :-)

And, what people tend to forget when they're amazed at the on-disk size
reduction is: the packed file has to be loaded, unpacked, and then run,
thus on startup a packed executable will require its packed on-disk-space
*and* the unpacked space in memory. So - I prefer unpacked & streamlined
executables, and I think we'll see a size reduction from the current beta
to the next release version, anyway.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)
 using v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

The female octopus' vagina is in her nose. If she is not ready for
mating when approached by a male, she may bite off his penis (he has
seven others) and swim away with it.

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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