Hello Marck,

Wednesday, October 20, 2004, 2:52:24 PM, you wrote:

> Dear John,

> @20-Oct-2004, 09:49 -0500 (20-Oct 15:49 UK time) John Morse [JM] in
> mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Nick:

NA>>> Instead now they've chosen to go with one URL at the time of
NA>>> release for some reason. <shrug>

JM>> ________________________________________________________
JM>>  Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
JM>> http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html
JM>> IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -
JM>> http://www.ritlabs.com/en/partners/testers/

> <moderator>
> Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
> just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
> instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out John.

>   )<)))'>

> Please include a signature delimiter in your messages. This consists
> of a <dash><dash><space><return>, i.e., a '-- ' by itself on a line.
> This allows your readers, when replying, to quote your text without
> the signature and list footers since everything below and including
> the sig delimiter is excluded when quoting. 

> You can easily automate this process by including the sig delimiter in
> your templates.

> Even if you barely have a signature to speak of, that doesn't make any
> difference to whether or not you need a cut mark. You are being
> courteous to other readers since at least three lines of text is added
> to your signature by the list server.

> To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
> private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you
> subscribed.

> Thank you.
> </moderator>

Thank you for your email. It will be actioned in due course

Best regards,
 Clive                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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