Hello 9Val,

Tuesday, October 5, 2004, 4:52:48 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Günther,  

GE>> Can you maybe give us a hint how you like the reports most? E.g. when I
GE>> first tried IMAP, it crashed with an AV. You want a screenshot of the AV
GE>> (and an explanation when it occured)

> Explanation  when  it  occured, if it will be non-reproducable address
> can help

GE>> - to your PM address
GE>> - to this list
GE>> - in the bugtracker?

> Destination  hasn't  matter,  it  should  be  announced  and should be
> non-forgotten.

GE>> Just the text message of the AV? Or just the bug report?

> At least report, developer will ask additional information he needs

GE>> When answering to an announcement of you, should the subject just be
GE>> adjusted with a short description of the bug or should the references be
GE>> deleted so that a new thread begins?

> To start new threads would be better

> So  my  point  was  to  report and periodically ask to fix bugs, it is
> quite  nervous  when  all  are quiet and before release somebody says:
> "Hey, I have a show-stopper here and it was for a long time, would you
> fix it?" Or  something like this: "Hey, I don't like how program works
> at all". It is normal, when it is said after feedback from both sides,
> but  it  is  abnormal  (at  least for me) after a long silence on this
> question from testers side.

Thank you for your email. It will be actioned in due course

Best regards,
 Clive                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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