Günther Eisele [GE], wrote:

>> But having a state of the art preview option inside the attachment
>> tabs of The Bat! would be fine too.

GE> Yeah, that would be fine. I think there should be standard routines
GE> available which do not just a "resize", but a "resample" (speaking in the
GE> words of IrfanView, imho the best available viewer). If you have loads of
GE> pictures in a mail, it's more comfortable to scroll through these pictures
GE> within TB! than to open each one in the external viewer or save them all
GE> in a directory and view them from there.

Perhaps Ritlabs could look at integrating the PictView
(http://www.pictview.com/) viewer dll image library into TB!? The
viewer is very good; it's a plug-in I frequently use with Servant
Salamander. It would come with an additional licence fee... but if it
were an optional plug-in for TB! that would probably be okay.

.\\artin | ICQ 15893823

"We don't see things as the are but rather as we are." ANAÏS NIN
IMAP Client: The Bat! Version | Horde IMP WebMail
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