Hi Dierk Haasis,

Saturday, November 6, 2004 
you let us know -at least in parts- :

>   When I tried to enter a sensible value (1024 KB) it nearly gave me a
>   headache. Whenever I highlighted the "16" and keyed in my "1024" the
>   "16" remained and two zeros were added in front.
This is the way it has been since the very start... no good solution,

Another question on that splitting item: does TB on the recipient side
"glue" the parts correctly together? I had to split outgoing messages
not to often -i was more on the receiving side. Receiving was funny: I
got loads of msg, all numbered precisely and after the last one was
downloaded, there was just one single mail in the folder.
Since the lucky beta cycle receiving of split mails is no more possible
for me -TB crashes whenever i select one of the multipart-messages in
the inbox. This is the reason for my question.

BTW: since wishes use to grow, I would be happy to have a feature that
would allow to re-send one or more parts of the entire (now split) mail
in order to allow the recipient the reception of the mail without the
burden of being forced to resend all parts. Despite all perfection, it
is happening not too seldom that one small part is missing and the
puzzling-together is not possible.

kind regards
Charlene Ferrara

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