Hello Michael,

  A reminder of what Michael Schneider on TBBETA typed on:
  15 December 2004 at 16:40:06 GMT +0100

MS> At least most of this software doesn't cost any money

But I'm not expecting something for nothing.

MS> And for email-clients: I don't any bugs in kmail. It works superb
MS> here.

In that case tell me how to get S/MIME working with a Thawte Certificate because
it won't work here.


Best regards,    Tony.   
 Message composed on 15/12/2004 at 15:51 UTC   2004 - AWB
 Using The Bat! v3.0.2.10 on Windows XP 5. 1 Build 2600 

PGP Key http://www.theboomclan.com/pgp.txt

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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