Hello Alexander,

On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 at 20:07:42 +0100, (which is
16.12.2004 at 21:07:42 +2000 where I live), you wrote:

>> Not confirmed, the setting applies both "- --" and "-- "

> Sure? Please check the attached pictures. sig-std.png is your message (sig
> in monospace font, light grey), sig-pgp is the last message from Peter
> Meyns (sig color/font the same as in the message).

I changed the sig color to orange, and attached both sigs. And I
searched TBBETA base to find Peter's PGP message and yes, it didn't
shown up correctly.

Maybe Peter Meyns's PGP sig-limiter is malformed?

Just go to <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for a
quick test.

Best regards,
Running The Bat! v3.0.2.10
Translation of Turkish The Bat!

<<attachment: withpgp.png>>

<<attachment: nopgp.png>>

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