LG>> Hi Achim,

LG>> On Sat, 8 Jan 2005, at 18:11:07 [GMT +0100 (CET)] (which was 10:11 AM
LG>> where I live) you wrote:

AW>>> hmmm it seems that the filter is not working if you get such error
AW>>> messages. normally you should see no error messages. can anybody
AW>>> confirm this?

LG>> <moderator>
LG>> Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
LG>> just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
LG>> instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Achim.

LG>>   )<)))'>

LG>> Please  include  a  signature  delimiter  in  your  messages. This
LG>> consists of a <dash><dash><space><return>, i.e., a '-- ' by itself
LG>> on  a line. This allows your readers, when replying, to quote your
LG>> text without the signature and list footers since everything below
LG>> and including the sig delimiter is excluded when quoting.

LG>> You  can  easily  automate  this  process  by  including  the  sig
LG>> delimiter in your templates.

LG>> Even if you barely have a signature to speak of, that doesn't make
LG>> any  difference  to  whether  or  not you need a cut mark. You are
LG>> being  courteous  to  other  readers since at least three lines of
LG>> text is added to your signature by the list server.

GF> What 3 lines?

I  see it, I see it now. Do you want me to put the "Best regards" part
under the delimiter?

I  use  this  kind of signature since the BBS time and never took too
much attention to TheBat default signature.

Best regards,
Goncalo Farias

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