Hi Goncalo,

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005, at 18:16:42 [GMT +0000] (which was 11:16 AM where
I live) you wrote:
GF> Isn't it exactly the same attitude you're exhibiting? Did anyone
GF> mandate you to define what is allowable or not in email usage?
GF> What feature can or cannot be included? What alternatives to
GF> current features can be implemented or not?

You're confusing someone who actually cares about TB being a truly
good product, and someone who wants TB to be another lemming
application who follows bad practices just because everyone else is
doing it.

Do me a favor. If you aren't going to be part of the solution, at
least don't be part of the problem.

Leif  -:-  TB Lists Moderator  -:-  PGP Key ID 0x7CD4926F

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A .GIF is worth a thousand .TXT's.

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