Hi Tony,

Mittwoch, 16. März 2005, 16:42:

9>> We  need  testing  of  customization,  so  hope stream write
9>> errors will go away and more testers will be able to perform
9>> testing

>  I've had a play and it seems to work. One problem though, there is no
>  option to save changes like an OK or Apply button. You have to click the
>  red cross and wait for it to ask you if you want it saved. Also I don't
>  like the idea of having to restart TB! for the changes to take effect.

I played with the "Menu Bar", added some functions and icons but they
don't work (like get new mail, open a blank mail, etc.) so I wanted to
delete them from the menu bar, saved changes, restarted TheBat! and
they were still there - and still without funktion. I repeated this
game a few times but the changes won't be saved.

Vorsicht vor einem Weibe, welches logisches Denken offenbart! Denn Logik und
das Weib sind so heterogen, daß es Unnatur ist, wenn sie zusammen auftreten.
(Johannes Cotta)


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