Wednesday, March 23, 2005, 3:53:38 PM, you wrote:

> View-Attached Files-Show as Button.

>  I get a button with no icon on it and it does nothing. I would expect it
>  give options to save, open etc. With the S/MIME button it either verifies
>  it or a right click to view or import the certificate.

>  I assume it's meant to be similar to that?

I finally figured it out.  Yes, there is something wrong with the
View-Attached Files section.  If you click hide, the panel comes back.
If you click button, the whole panel vanishes leaving with you access
to your attachments.  What's worst, it can impact on all of your
accounts, not just the current account.

I can confirm the problem.  Bug?


Ethan J. Mings
Principal, The Desk

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