Het was op vrijdag 1 april 2005 om 17:19 uur dat jij iets schreef over 'Changes 
to the TB Lists' :

Hallo Leif,
LG> It's with a heavy heart that we (the moderators) have finally come to
LG> a point in our lives where the TB lists have become so successful that
LG> it has begun to seriously impact our ability to lead a normal life.

LG> Yes, this may seem steep. A burden unbearable. But please, remember,
LG> that'll buy us a whole boatload of Big Macs with a large fry and a
LG> coke.

  and here I was... humbly thinking that April Fool's Day was a Dutch thingy.



Coming Soon! Mouse support for Edlin!
The Bat! Return [A12F0392] running on Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 
Service Pack 2

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