Hi Henk,

On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 20:05:20 +0200 (2:05 PM here), Henk de Bruijn
[HdB] wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

HdB> Thanks for responding. I unchecked the maildispatcher option for
HdB> all my accounts and the "problem" does not occur anymore!

HdB> So maybe maildispatcher is causing a (memory?) conflict???

I would say that's probably the cause. I've rarely used the Dispatcher
and not at all with this version. Perhaps the dispatcher's direct
connection with the ISP conflicts with GPGrelays attempted connect.

HdB> BTW I use Norton Internet Security 2005 but I have unchecked all
HdB> the options in the Bat! and have no problems with that.

I read a message after I sent my reply to you indicating all AV
options should be unchecked if you don't use a plugin. I did that and
the problem has not returned. I guess I should read the announcements
thoroughly. :)

Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY USA

Using TB! v3.0.9.15 Return under Windows XP 5.1.2600 SP2
(see kludges for my pgp key)

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