Hello Stuart,

Wednesday, April 27, 2005, 9:52:44 AM, you wrote:

SC> Hello Konstantin,

SC>   A reminder of what Konstantin Zhilenko typed on:
SC>   April 27, 2005 at 15:38:38 GMT +0300

KZ>> Before pre-betas To, CC, BCC fields acted like most of the default OS text
KZ>> fields - when you select the text in then rightclick and choose recipient
KZ>> from favorite contacts selected text got deleted and new recipient 

KZ>> Now it is ADDED no matter select you old text or not, that seems to be a 
KZ>> to me.

SC> Actually, now that you mentioned this behaviour, I like it. It allows
SC> you to click in the To:area, RMB and select a recipient, RMB again and
SC> select another recipient and they are just added. It allows you just
SC> continue picking recipients. You used to have to select the first
SC> recipient, use the right arrow key, put in a comma and then select the
SC> next person. This is much nicer.

SC> However, I think if you do select the text in the To: area, that
SC> selecting a new recipient should replace the selection. I hope you see
SC> the distinction here.

SC> Anyone elxe have thoughts on this?

While it would be nice if it worked that way eventually, I prefer this
behavior to the previous.  It is less of a problem (i.e. a single
keystroke) to delete the selected text before inserting the
replacement name ... than using the end - comma - space - insert

Best regards,
 MikeD                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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